Monday, February 8, 2016

Tips On How To Add Value To Your Home

Family-room-700Adding value to your home can be an ongoing process, and this is one way to ensure that your home will get the top dollar if you want to sell it. Your home is a very important place in your life, and it reflects your lifestyle. You can raise the value of your property and perhaps even enjoy it more by following these easy tips about how to add value to your home.

Cleaning Up the House and Property

Buyers will find a cluttered home to be an unattractive home. Clearing the clutter will make more space available for living well, and this will also create a better ambiance. Experts believe that a cluttered home will sell for a 20% lower price. Clutter makes a home look smaller.

Don’t Overlook The Kitchen And Bathroom

The kitchen and the bathroom may be the most used rooms in your home. They are also the rooms that sell a house. Giving these rooms a major facelift will make the house more desirable to buyers. A major remodel is not necessary, but some minor changes can increase your home’s value by 3-5%. Changing the flooring and refacing the cabinets will increase the attractiveness of these spaces. Add some stylish door knobs and drawer pulls to further increase the attractiveness. Look at new bathroom lighting and new faucets as value-added improvements.

Improve Your Home’s Interior

A fresh coat of paint and a couple of walls painted with a unique design will give your home a sense of freshness and perhaps some style. Unique wall patterns and designs will add beauty and make the home more attractive. Clean the carpet, and put beautiful area rugs over worn carpet or replace it. Polish the wood floors or refinish them if they are heavily marred.

Buyers See The Exterior of Your Home First

Paint the front door and any window shutters with a vibrant color that makes your home stand out. Add some colorful flower pots to the porch. Make sure the landscaping looks well maintained. Don’t overlook the garage door. If it looks dirty and dingy, then wash it and repaint it if necessary. Keep in mind that good curb appeal is what makes potential buyers decide to look at the home.

Roofing Should Be In Goods Shape

Roofing shingles are tiles should not appear loose or cracked. Curled asphalt shingles should be replaced along with shingles that are not aligned properly. Nails that have popped up should be replaced. Cracked sealant around the chimney and other openings should be replaced.

For more information regarding real estate tips, visit Kathy McCarthy’s website or Facebook page!

from kathy mccarthy homes

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